Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What happens to the step-kids?

So, a blended family breaks up. How does this effect the kids?

I'm worried. This is the second father figure to walk out of my children's lives.

My daughter is 18, in college and beautiful. Her boyfriend attends the same school. I see her becoming me. She can't do enough for him, but he is never happy.

Today she called me in tears.....he needs his "space".......almost the same thing as Mr. Misery.

If anyone can weigh in on this, I'd appreciate it! It seems that we Misery women attract the same kind on men over and over. Are we too nice? Not demanding enough? Just doormats?

I really need some expertise in this area. Its one thing for me to go through it, but to see my young, smart, beautiful daughter go through it is entirely different.

I need to know how to break this cycle.

Okay, so I went off on a tangent about my daughter.......

My son misses Mr. Misery, my daughter does too. I don't know if his kids miss me.....it seems lately they were never here, the ex always had something else planned.

I just feel so horrible for not being able to make this work for my kids.

A little too late?

I am much more okay with the whole break-up than I expected to be.

Mr. Misery can't understand that. He says he is "miserable", a "wreck", etc...........

He wants to try again, slowly, just dating, but its funny........I'm just not sure at all what I want, so I am not making any decisions at all. It was so much stress with his ex and his kids. Coming in last place after the ex and the kids all the time was getting very old.

Time will tell, but currently.........I'm in a good place.

I feel peaceful for the first time in a long time.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Can it get any worse?

My life officially sucks.

Mr. Misery needs a "break"......whatever. We all know what that means. I have become so immune to the constant letdowns in life that I am simply numb.

Its funny how much we deal with in a blended family. I think we deal with so much more than the "conventional" family does, we, as steps and second wives, tolerate so much more, yet, for me anyway, it never seems enough to please anyone.

I have thrown my heart and soul into his children, his family and him all for nothing it seems.

In the meantime, his ex wife is buying drugs off the city streets and crashing her car....yet she seems to get much more respect, understanding and caring for than I ever have.

Is that what men want? I am starting to wonder. The stupid, helpless ones seem to draw men. Those of us who work to support our families are critized and treated like dirt.

I am losing faith in life in general.

I'm tired of never being "good enough".