Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I TRIED to look on the bright side.....Honest!

The Hydra has awoken from her post Wal-Mart night shift slumber.

And she is pissed.

Rewind two weeks:

After she spent yet another horrible evening arguing with her and Mr. Misery's son, The Hydra relents and does the unbelievable.

She agrees to allow their son to live with us.

Of course we don't believe it, but the very next day she calls Mr. Misery to assure him that she is serious. She says she "just can't handle him anymore". As soon as the school year is out, he can come with us.

So naturally, we spring into action, making preparations for his arrival like we are expecting a new baby.

We furniture shop, view pictures of his new school, explore the surrounding area via the internet, all of us are getting excited now.

Then, Mr. Misery's daughter decided to speak her mind.

Now all along, she led us to believe that she was fine with her current situation at her mother's. We talked to her, let her know she was welcome to live with us anytime. But, all of these talks ended with her saying "I'll think about it".

Well think about it she most certainly did!

During her last visit with us, she delivered a well thought out, intelligent speech.

"Daddy, I am sick of having to go to Mom mom's every night. If mommy won't change her hours, I would rather live with you."

Mom mom.

Envision Ms. Ballbreaker from Porky's.......add about 50 lbs, and 20 years.

Thats Mom mom.

Even more nasty than the Hydra.

She constantly berates Mr. Misery to the children, begs them to come live with her. She has told Mr. Misery that both he and his ex are un-fit parents. He even had to have a special section added into his custody agreement barring Ms. Ballbreaker from sticking her fat nose in anything that had to do with the children! As if the courts would do anything.........

I digress.

Mr. Misery is truly convicted that he needs to make sure his daughter's wants and needs are known. He schedules a time to meet with The Hydra.......finally after 3 attempts (dragging her out of her coffin into sunlight after a Wal-Mart shift is NOT an easy task), but, eventually, she concurs.

The "talk" lasted about 5 minutes, the Hydra's only comments being "are you done yet" while the little girl was spilling her guts, and ended up with the Hydra, tenticles flailing, screaming the question "WHY DO YOU ALL HATE ME"? She comments that Mr. Misery will NEVER GET HER CHILDREN, then she smokes a cigarette, tells Mr. Misery to "get the fuck out of her house" and runs back to her crypt, leaving the children agape at the kitchen table.

As you can imagine, the kids are even more screwed up. AND she is taking Mr. Misery back for more support.

THIS CREATURE OF THE NIGHT is a suitable caregiver for children??

1 comment:

Ronni said...

Good luck with your situation! What a mess, and kudos to you for doing your best...