Friday, February 8, 2008

Cheaper to Keep 'er, more bread if shes dead"

Cases like Darren Mack's should wake up the Child/Spousal Support System

Could the spousal murder epidemic have something to do with the ridiculous child support and custody laws?

The world has changed and the laws need to change with it. These days, in MOST cases, both parents work outside the home. Both parents spend equal time with the children, both have an income. Example: Mr. Misery is paying a large amount of money per month in child support. His ex wife works nights and farms his children out to just about anyone she can rather than let him have them over night, why you may ask??? I will tell you........ because the courts gave her that right when SHE was given Custodial Parent status.

And why was she given that status? Why when they BOTH worked outside the home the SAME amount of hours and EQUALLY cared for their children?

If both parents are working outside the home, both have an income, what is wrong with a 50/50 custody split? What is wrong with 50/50 support for the child(ren)? Instead, we have mothers out there working just as many hours as the fathers, bringing home a decent income AND collecting from the father, mothers with too much power who use their children as nothing but pawns to dangle in front of the fathers.

But this is A-OKAY with the courts. Really. When Mr. Misery asked to care for his children rather than have them farmed out over night every night, Judge Rogers from Montgomery County PA said their mother could have whoever she wants care for them.

So, Mr. Misery has to pay pay pay, his children are basically not even living with their mother, they sleep at her mothers every night and even on the weekends that are "hers" she ships them to her mother, sometimes her father, sometimes a sister or the current boyfriend, and doesn't see them.

You have a dad, willing to raise his children, to spend time with them, and because of the f-d up court system, they have to spend every day of their lives with a 70 year old woman. A 70 year old woman who does nothing but degrade their father. Ironically, one of her degrading comments is about how he doesn't spend any time with his children!!

Its funny how much smarter these kids are than Judge Rogers. I have heard, from their mouths, "Dad, we'd really like to live with you, we need stability".

Now, is it any wonder why men like Darren Mack go nuts? I am confident that normal, rational men don't commit murder, but look at Mr. Misery's situation. What if he were slightly off kilter........just a little crazy??

If his ex were gone, he'd have his kids, they'd have stability, no support would be paid to a woman who doesn't even care for her children and that 70 year old nightmare would be out of his life.

Go read at CTV. You will be AMAZED at the amount of cases like Darren's.

Yep, the court system is doing a GREAT job for our children and their fathers.

I am, IN NO WAY, condoning Mr. Mack's actions. Lord knows what was going on in that house that Mrs. Mack wanted out...........

But the laws need to change.

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